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FiftyFitness Proudly partnering with EVEolution - a revolution in women's wellness

Have you ever?

  • Leaked a little – or a lot – of wee during a sneeze or joining the fun on a bouncy castle?
  • Wondered why you’re so hot, why you can’t sleep, or what’s happening to your vagina – is this menopause or the abyss?
  • Thought that you might have a prolapse – what the hell is a prolapse anyway?
  • Assumed that searing pain in your heel or trouble doing up your bra is normal?
  • Stopped exercising because of any of the above?

If that’s you, you are not alone!

How would you feel if you could?

  • Understand more about your female bits and where to get help if you have problems with them.
  • Understand the nightmares of menopause and why exercise is so important at this stage of your life.
  • Know that prolapse is common and you can speak openly about it. We should be open about all this stuff – and help is available.
  • See the gaps in your PT’s knowledge when it comes to training women so you can exercise safely and with dry undies.
  • Be a change maker and share newfound knowledge with the women in your life.

Interested in EVEolution™ Lite? Check out the links below

My personal trainer education had a large gap when it comes to exercise and the specific needs of women.

This is because fitness education is largely based on research carried out on fit young men.

I’m addressing the gap by becoming an EVEolution™ Partner.

As a woman who exercises, EVEolution™ has taught me how I can train safely with consideration to my stage of life – post menopause.

As a personal trainer, EVEolution™ is closing the gap in my knowledge and I can better serve my fabulous over 50 female clients.

The EVEolution logo

EVEolution™ is an online course that educates and empowers you to exercise safely through all stages of your female life.

It’s information that’s missing from your fitness trainer’s education that every trainer and woman needs to know about.

It provides the learning directly to you so you know what to ask your trainer.

It’s a gateway to awkward but necessary conversations – we need to talk about this stuff!

Three courses available for the three major female life stages, or buy the whole course and share your newfound knowledge with the women in your life.

A headshot of Mish Wright.

Mish Wright

Mish Wright is a passionate educator and the founder and developer of EVEolution™

She’s a fitness professional pioneering change in how women are trained.

Mish provides courses on women and exercise for fitness professionals – the knowledge that’s missing from their foundation qualification.

Now we’re bringing the missing knowledge directly to you!

EVEolution™ Modules

Module I

This is where you start. Because everything you need to understand about your changing female body (period hormones, age, pregnancy, postnatal) is found right here.

Get this right and you can understand how to repair DRAM, protect your pelvic floor and stay active. For life!

Module II

Dodgy pelvic floor? You are not alone. If you are leaking you are 1 in 3. Prolapse - notch that up to 50% of postnatal women. Rather than hide your head under the duvet, we have all the small actions that add up. In YOUR favour. BONUS CHEAT SHEET to take to your women’s health physiotherapist appointment.

Module III

This is where the rubber meets the road! We don’t need to use our pelvic floor when we are on the physiotherapist bed. We need our pelvic floor to turn on when we are at the gym, or just doing the every day things. Walking / running, lifting stuff - this could be kids / grandkids - whatever activity floats your boat! Our goal is that you remain active. For life!

Module IV

If you are not harnessing the power of your menstrual cycle... then you my friend are missing out. Working out your menstrual cycle or what could be wrong with it, is vital to all menstruating women. Not menstruating? That’s ok... there is still gold here for you!

Module V

Of course all women need special care when pregnant. But did you know that this changes with each trimester? Many women post birth, don’t get accurate information, or just think they are going to naturally weather the postnatal storm! Education is the key that your body will thank you for the rest of your life.

Way past having babies? Or not in your life path? Don’t skip this because we help you help others when they experience late miscarriage + still birth and birth trauma.

Module VI

Menopause may be in your near or far future, regardless understanding what is ok and what is not is key to you managing it with ease. Everything changes, particularly how you approach exericse. The strategies you had in the past, absolutely need updating. We share everything from HRT to navigating the work place. Don’t be ageist. This stuff is for all women.

A photo of Kate Rowen

Got questions?

Please reach out if you have questions about EVEolution or anything related to exercise for women over 50 – I’d love to hear from you.

I wish to acknowledge and pay my respects to the traditional custodians of the land where I live, work and exercise, the Whadjuk people of the Noongar Nation.