About FiftyFitness
My name is Kate Rowen, personal trainer and founder of FiftyFitness. I was a late starter with exercise and am now, in my fifties, the strongest and fittest I’ve ever been. Like many of you, I have osteoarthritis and manage it by maintaining strength and mobility. I understand the struggles we face in middle age. I help over 50s improve their fitness to get more out of life now and take better health into older age, because I believe we can be over 50 and better than ever!

How FiftyFitness can help you
Strength and Fitness
- Feel great and energised
- Endurance and strength for your favourite activities (golf, hiking, cycling, anything really)
Improve Mobility
- Managing osteoarthritis and injuries, including coaching with your physio exercises
- Better physicality in older age
Improve general health
- Enjoy numerous benefits to physical health
- Take better health into older age
Well-being and mental health
- Take time out from your daily demands to de-stress
- Feel good about yourself

A unique value personal trainer
Care and concern for people drew me into nursing as a school leaver back in the 1980s. Curiosity and love of learning led me to science, eventually leading to a PhD in organic chemistry. Being a personal trainer is an extension of my career as an educator. For 15 years I was a university chemistry lecturer. These decades of learning and life experience make me a unique package as a personal trainer.
Fitness Trainer

Ready to get started?
Start your journey to enhanced quality of life today and organise your Introduction to FiftyFitness.