From the Blog
The FiftyFitness blog is loaded with fitness information and tips for us over 50s. Subscribe below to get the latest article and news straight to your inbox.
Exercise for men over 50 – the top reason to do it and the benefits that follow
A big component of my mission with FiftyFitness is to help men over 50 find ways to enjoy exercise and fit it into their busy lives.
Four great reasons for exercise through perimenopause and beyond
In this article I explain what I believe to be the four critical benefits for women to keep exercising during perimenopause and beyond.
Why do my feet hurt so much? The link between menopause and searing heel pain
This article is about the searing heel pain of plantar fasciopathy (aka plantar fasciitis) and how it can be related to menopause.
Take the pressure down! Six ways to care for your pelvic floor while you workout
The final point in my previous article was that exercise is one of several factors that can increase intra-abdominal pressure, which puts pressure on our pelvic floor muscles.
Champion pelvic floor and five factors that put it under pressure
The pelvic floor muscles play a role in supporting the pelvic organs and keeping them in place. Prevention of pelvic organ prolapse is another reason for keeping our pelvic floor in good condition.
Do you need pelvic health physiotherapy? Don’t hesitate – it’s awkward but enlightening
In this article I relate my experience of consulting a pelvic health physiotherapist to shed light on what's involved and how it can help.
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